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Jiangsu LIYAN Technology Co., LTD.

 No. 19, Shenfeng North Road, Economic Development Zone, Dafeng District, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province





corporate culture


Scientific research mission: achieving customer reputation, building brand image, and assisting employee

Quality Policy: Customer First, Quality First, All Staff Value, Continuous Improvement
Spirit of scientific research:

Unity: Employees should treat the company as a big family, always pay attention to uniting everyone in this

           family, have a spirit of safeguarding collective   interests, being willing to contribute, and strive

           to cultivate a humble service style.
Responsibility: I should be responsible, diligent, hardworking, and conscientious in my job.
Sincerity: A sincere style, opposing exaggeration, falsehood, and exaggeration.
Advancing: Employees should actively complete the tasks and work arrangements assigned by the

                    superior supervisory department, complete their own work with quality and quantity, and devote

                    themselves to our work with a full mental state.
Business philosophy: integrity, dedication, pragmatism, and innovation

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